MUFON investigators report triangle UFOs and missing time

Actual alien tech or new black Op's tech of our own?

Two Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) investigators report observing two triangle-shaped objects in the sky and experiencing missing time as they traveled south along Highway 67 in Missouri’s Saint Francious County enroute to the Piedmont UFO Festival, according to June 20, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network witness reporting database.

The reporting witness is Assistant State Director for Missouri and the second witness is a STAR Team Investigator for Kansas MUFON.

While driving along Missouri’s Highway 67, they noticed a bright object to their east.

“As I was driving south on 67 Highway past Farmington at the very south edge of Francious County, I noticed a bright object in the sky to the east,” the reporting witness stated. “The object appeared to be three very bright lights in a triangular pattern. It was approximately the size of a large pea held at arm’s length. The object was much brighter than any planet (5 x brighter than Venus) and was bluish/white in color. It was at approximately 50 degrees off the horizon and ENE of our position. It appeared to get larger and clearer as I watched it. I also had an uneasy feeling, which started before I saw the object.”

The reporting witness then asked the second witness to have a look – but the first object disappeared while a second object appeared.

“He said the object moved to the North, and when I looked it was gone. He watched several shooting objects without tails moving from west to northeast, but behaving like shooting stars. Then three long, white lights appeared, moving very fast from a NE to SW direction. The first triangular object appeared and disappeared three times. These objects moved around the sky for approximately 15 minutes. The skies clouded over and we lost sight of the objects. We were both very uneasy about the entire sighting, and thought it was coincidental that this occurred while we were on our way to the Piedmont UFO Festival where I was speaking.”

Upon arriving at the event, they realized that there was more than one hour of missing time.

“The duration of the trip should have been six hours according to my GPS. With stops taken into consideration, we should have arrived at 9:30 p.m., but we arrived at our destination at 10:37 p.m., so we had over an hour of missing time. We cannot account for the missing time.”

But the strange events did not stop upon arriving at the UFO event – odd things happened to a computer that the reporting witness had brought with her to the festival.

“While at the event, my computer, which contained the Power Point presentation on UFO sightings in Missouri, was stolen from my locked vehicle. It has since reappeared in my house on my dining room table, minus the Power Point presentation I was going to use and another one on a different UFO case. The laptop was not there last night, but was this morning. I am absolutely positive it was in my vehicle, since we discussed taking it inside on the first day of the event (Friday), but I said no since I didn’t need it until Saturday, and moved it to a different spot in the back seat.”

And during their stay at the event, some paranormal events occurred.

“We had some paranormal events happen at the house we were staying at in Piedmont, which consisted of scratching and banging noises on the outside of the house and a glass breaking sound inside the house, which two of us heard, as well as some objects moved to different locations.”

Saint Francious County is located in Missouri’s Lead Belt, population 65,359. No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on June 20, 2011. The events occurred on June 16, 2011.

Missouri is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating,
 with a low number of UFO sightings nationally. Missouri had 12 reports in May 2011 – while California had 55 UFO reports – the highest reporting state in the nation. Missouri remains on our Watch List.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report  every Wednesday, 9 – 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON.

I am the Assistant State Director for Missouri MUFON, and a Start Team Investigator. The person with me was a Star Team investigator for Kansas MUFON. We had a spectacular UFO sighting while on the last leg of our trip from Kansas City to Piedmont, MO, located in the SE corner of Missouri in Wayne County.

The duration of the trip should have been six hours according to my GPS. With stops taken into consideration, we should have arrived at 9:30 p.m., but we arrived at our destination at 10:37 p.m., so we had over an hour of missing time. We cannot account for the missing time.

As I was driving South on 67 Highway past Farmington at the very South edge of Francious County, I noticed a bright object in the sky to the East. The object appeared to be three very bright lights in a triangular pattern. It was approximately the size of a large pea held at arm’s length. The object was much brighter than any planet (5 x brighter than Venus) and was bluish/white in color. It was at approximately 50 degrees off the horizon and ENE of our position. It appeared to get larger and clearer as I watched it. I also had an uneasy feeling, which started before I saw the object.

I asked my passenger (the other MUFON investigator) to take a look at the object, so he opened the sunroom of my SUV and watched it. He said the object moved to the North, and when I looked it was gone. He watched several shooting objects without tails moving from West to Northeast, but behaving like shooting stars. Then three long white lights appeared, moving very fast from a NE to SW direction. The first triangular object appeared and disappeared three times. These objects moved around the sky for approximately fifteen minutes. The skies clouded over and we lost sight of the objects. We were both very uneasy about the entire sighting, and thought it was coincidental that this occurred while we were on our way to the Piedmont UFO Festival where I was speaking.

While at the event, my computer, which contained the power point presentation on UFO sightings in Missouri, was stolen from my locked vehicle. It has since reappeared in my house on my dining room table, minus the power point presentation I was going to use and another one on a different UFO case. The laptop was not there last night, but was this morning. I am absolutely positive it was in my vehicle, since we discussed taking it inside on the first day of the event (Friday), but I said no since I didn’t need it until Saturday, and moved it to a different spot in the back seat.

Also notable: We had some paranormal events happen at the house we were staying at in Piedmont, which consisted of scratching and banging noises on the outside of the house and a glass breaking sound inside the house, which two of us heard, as well as some objects moved to different locations. I had a strange dream about being abducted and restrained on a UFO, but that may be just a dream given the circumstances.

Attached are Google Earth pictures with the location of the first sighting noted and the location of our destination. Note that East of our first position where the first UFO was spotted is the Mississippi River.

UFO over Scotland?

It’s hard to imagine the industrial town of Bonnybridge near Falkirk as a portal to another dimension but the everyday hustle and bustle of the area hides a more mysterious and sinister background.

Nicknamed the ‘UFO capital of Scotland’, Bonnybridge is a hotspot for extra-terrestrial activity and people from around the world have come to the town to gaze at the skies above. Some reports state there are over 300 UFO sightings a year in the town alone.

UFO expert and author of Beyond the Falkirk Triangle Ronald Halliday believes that Scotland’s twilight zone isn’t just restricted to the Falkirk area and there are strange lights to be seen all over the country. Is there something strange going on in Scotland’s skies?

Speaking to The Hour Ronald said: “People do have close up encounters and people do claim to have seen things that are very hard to explain right away.

“There have been thousands of reported sightings in Scotland and in fact the country has been labelled the UFO capital of the world. There has even been some suggestion that Scotland acts as a window into another dimension.

“Again, there have been thousands of reported sightings of UFOs in Bonnybridge over the years and all sort of strange things have been happening. People from all over the world have gone there to see if they can spot something. If you want to see a UFO come to Scotland.”

The release of previously confidential MOD files by the National Archive in 2008 unravelled further suspicions of potential unidentified objects in Scotland’s skies. From 1940 onwards various eyewitness accounts have included everything from mysterious beams of light in Lennoxtown to an alleged abduction in Livingston.

Despite its reputation as a hotspot for alien activity, Ronald insists that it has never been more important to validate potential sightings and check for signs of false or natural explanations.

“I think we have got to be critical about the whole thing. You can’t accept every claim that someone has seen something strange unless there is real evidence; you have to evaluate it and take a look to see if we can explain it through science or natural phenomenon.

“People think they have seen something strange but when you take a look and investigate it you find out that really there is nothing behind it.”

However one would be advised to keep your eyes on the Scottish skies for now. As the use of camera-phones and handheld recording equipment grows, so too does the chance of spotting a UFO – just make sure to wear a warm jacket.

“I’d advise [UFO hunters] to take a very warm coat and be prepared to spend some time in an isolated spot. You don’t want to be near a city.”


‘Bright white missile’ reported low over Independence, Missouri

An Independence, MO, witness is looking for an explanation after watching “a bright, white object that looked like a fat missile” moving overhead under 1,000 feet, according to June 22, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness had just gotten into a car after getting off of work and compared the object to a missile “like from World War II aiming down at a 45 degree angle.”

The witness described the object.

“It had a skinny tail on top of it at a 120 degree angle,” the witness stated. “It moved across the sky kind of like a plane would, but it was moving in a very straight, smooth path and flying very low. I was surprised to see a plane that low in this area. I’d guess that it was at about 500 – 1,000 feet, but don’t know for sure.”

The object then moved behind trees and the witness was unable to see it again.

No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on June 22, 2011. The event occurred on June 21, 2011. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Independence is the fourth largest city in Missouri, lying within Jackson and Clay counties, population 116,830.

Other recent stories from Missouri include:

MUFON investigators report triangle UFOs and missing time

Missouri kids watching storm see ‘huge disc-shaped object’

Missouri is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating, with a low number of UFO sightings nationally. Missouri had 12 reports in May 2011 – and remains on our Watch List – while California had 55 UFO reports – the highest reporting state in the nation.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report  every Wednesday, 9 – 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON.

MO, June 21, 2011 – Missle-shaped object over Independence. MUFON Case # 29679.

I was getting in my car after work and something caught my eye in the sky slightly to my East. I saw a bright white object that looked like a fat missle (like from WWII) aiming down at a 45 degree angle.

It had a skinny tail on top of it at a 120 degree angle. It moved across the sky kind of like a plane would, but it was moving in a very straigt, smooth path and flying very low. I was surprised to see a plane that low in this area. I’d guess that it was at about 500- 1,000 feet but don’t know for sure.

It was cloudy out with dark clouds in the Eastern sky where I was looking so the object really stood out. It moved behind trees and I couldn’t see it after that.

I’d like to know what it was. After that, I headed home (West) on 23rd Street. I was at 291 Highway and 23rd street and noticed a very strange cloud hanging low over an area around Noland Road. It was low and black with sharp edges and a few puffy black clouds around it that were all the same size. It looked very odd – I’ve never seen anything like it. It stayed there the entire time I was driving.

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